Pregna DHA
Dietary supplement
A baby’s intelligence does not depend solely on genes. You can have an impact on it from the moment of conception because the development of a baby’s nervous system starts in the first weeks of pregnancy. You can influence the development of your baby’s brain and nervous system through a balanced diet rich in DHA.
Product information
Pregna DHA is a dietary supplement for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. It is a source of DHA, a valuable omega-3 acid obtained using patented technology. DHA is the basic component of the baby’s brain and is responsible for its proper development.
Pregna DHA contains DHA which comes from highly purified oil from oily saltwater fish, so it is the best and safe source of this significant component of your diet. It contains triglyceride (TG) oil. It has been proven that DHA from re-esterified triglycerides (rTG) shows over twice higher bioavailability than DHA from commonly used ethyl esters (EE)[1] .
As much as 75% of brain cells are formed before birth, whereas the remaining 25% are formed during the first year of life. Each capsule of Pregna DHA is a valuable source of omega-3 DHA, which the human body cannot produce in sufficient quantities on its own. DHA acid is an ingredient whose effectiveness has been proven. In 2010, the Panel of Experts issued recommendations advising pregnant and breastfeeding women to take DHA[2].
Pregnant and breastfeeding women
How it works
Omega-3 DHA fatty acid has an impact on brain development in foetus and breastfed infants. It is a basic component of the baby’s brain and is responsible for its proper development. Before birth, the baby gets necessary DHA from the mother’s body and a newly-born gets it with milk during breastfeeding. Therefore, pregnant and breastfeeding women need more DHA. Proper supplementation of DHA is particularly important in the case of a diet low in fish because the body cannot produce enough of this substance on its own.
Product advantages
- DHA stimulates the baby’s brain development from the moment of conception
- High quality omega-3 acids from oil purified using patented technology
- High bioavailability - it contains triglyceride (TG) oil[1]
- The characteristic flavour and smell of fish oil is minimized
- Pregna DHA makes it possible to provide an amount of omega-3 DHA which satisfies pregnant women’s needs
300 mg DHA (docosahexaenoic acid from fish oil) per 1 capsule.
Directions for use and package contents
The beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 200 mg of DHA in addition to the recommended daily intake for omega-3 fatty acids for adults, i.e. 250 mg DHA.
Package: 30 capsules
[1] Bioavailability of marine n-3 fatty acid formulations, Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids 83., 2010
[2] The opinion of the Panel of Experts on DHA and other omega-3 fatty acids supplementation in pregnant women, breastfeeding women, infants and children up to the age of 3. Standardy Medyczne/Pediatria 2010, pp. 729-736